
Glinski Hexagonal Chess

Moves & Pieces

Pawns move forward into the hexagon before them, but attack towards the forward left and forward right hexagons. Pawns can double jump for their first move. To prevent confusion, any pawn on one of the pawn starting hexes may perform a double jump even if it would not be that pawn's first move (e.g. it got there by capturing a piece). Pawns may also perform en passant captures. Horses/Knights move thru the face of a hexagon then thru the vertex of a hexagon, in either order. Bishops move only through the vertices of hexagons any number of tiles. Rooks move through the faces of hexagons, any number of tiles. The Queen can move both as a bishop and rook. The king moves as the queen but only one tile per turn. Use the interactive board below to experiment with how the pieces move.

Starting Array

This is the starting array for Glinski Hexagonal Chess. Note that there are 9 pawns and 3 bishops. This board is interactive, you can test out how the pieces move or play against yourself or a friend. Board made by <hexchess-board>

See Also