An "O" indicates a square that the piece can move to. An "X" indicates a square that a piece must move over, but does not jump over. This means that if another piece is occupying an "X" square then moves along that path will not be available. In the case of the Scout and Giraffe their moves extend to the edge of the board. The Horse, Rook, Pawn, and King move and attack as in modern chess. Except the pawn may not double jump on its first move nor can it capture en passant. Additional pieces that are found in Tamerlane Chess move as follows:
There are 3 known starting arrays for Tamerlane Chess. They mostly involve changing the position of the Giraffe, Dabbaba (Cannon), and Scout. The pawns do not change file in any starting array, though the King's pawn is moved back one rank in the feminine and third arrays. Note that the citadels are not displayed but they would be located to the right of the 2nd rank and to the left of the 9th rank for white and black respectively.
I am limited by the tool that I used to create these so I represent the pawns with a 45 degree rotation of their associated pieces.
Each pawn depicts the piece that it will promote to upon reaching the opposite rank. Use the included pawn promotion pedestals to indicate promotion. The pawn of pawns has a special promotion rule: Upon reaching the final rank the pawn of pawns cannot be captured and is rendered immobile until on a subsequent turn the player may move the pawn to a square where it threatens an enemy piece and that piece cannot escape, or to a square from which the pawn is forking two opposing pieces. If such a square is already occupied by a friendly or opposing piece then that piece is removed from the board. If the pawn of pawns again reaches the final rank then it is immediately moved to the starting position of the pawn of kings. If that square is occupied then I assume that the displaced piece is removed from the board as before (if that displaced were to be the king then I am not sure what happens, the recovered rules don't say). If the pawn of pawns reaches the final rank a thrid time it is finally promoted to the adventitious king and has the same moveset as the king but cannot be placed in check and may be captured normally.
Once per game each player, if their king is in check, checkmate, or stalemate, may elect to switch the position of their king with any other friendly piece on the board.
The citadels are located on the 2nd and 9th ranks to each player's right side. Only the king can occupy the opponent's citadel and it may not occupy the friendly citadel. A player who succeeds in occupying the enemy citadel may declare a draw. Alternatively, that player can elect to switch the position of their king with a promoted pawn of kings (aka Prince) or a promoted pawn of pawns (aka Adventitious King) if they exist on the board. The promoted pawn of pawns may occupy the friendly citadel so as to prevent the enemy king from doing so.
Stalemate is considered a victory for the player who is not in stalemate. A draw can only be forced by use of the citadels as described above.
The historical movesets for the additional pieces in this variant are not known. However, in their book A World of Chess, authors Jean-Louis Cazaux and Rick Knowlton offer the below movesets. They reason that these fill out a 7x7 square of moves that complement the movesets from standard Tamerlane Chess pieces.
Note that the pawns of the revealer, bull, and elephant are not flipped as the others, but are directly across from each other in the 3 leading pawn positions. Also the left hand Camel of each player has been replaced by a third Horse/Knight.
There are no known additional rules in this variant. So with the new starting array and extra pieces Full Tamerlane Chess is played with the same rules regarding pawn promotion, citadels, checkmate, stalemate, etc as standard Tamerlane Chess.