
Turkish Great Chess

Pieces & Movesets

The Horse/Knight, Rook, King, and Pawn move the same as their modern chess counterparts. The movesets of the Elephant, Rhino, Gazelle, Ferz, and Grand Vizier are detailed below. Note that an "X" in the moveset diagram denotes a square that the piece must move past, can be blocked from moving past by other pieces, but cannot land on or attack. "O"'s denote spaces that the piece may attack. Pieces like the Gazelle and Elephant are leapers and cannot be blocked from moving unless they are pinned by a revealed check on the King. The Rhino moves both as the modern chess Bishop and Horse/Knight. When moving as a Horse/Knight the Rhino is a leaper and is not impeded by pieces in its path.

A Turkish Great Chess Elephant that moves as a 2,2 leaper.


A Turkish Great Chess Rhino which combines the movesets of the modern Knight and Bishop.


A Turkish Great Chess Gazelle which moves as a 3,1 leaper.


A Turkish Great Chess Ferz which moves one square diagonally per turn.


A Turkish Great Chess Grand Vizier that moves 1 square diagonally then at least 3 squares orthogonally. It can be blocked if there is a piece in the way of its mandatory travel squares.

Grand Vizier

Starting Array

A Turkish Great Chess set in starting array on a 13x13 board.

Starting Array

Pawn Promotion

Pawns are immediately promoted to Ferz when they reach the opposite rank.

Other Rules

Aside from the new pieces, the game is otherwise played with the same rules as Shtranj: no castling, no pawn double jump first move, stalemate is a win for the player that delivers it to their opponent, baring the king (capturing all other pieces) is also a win.

See Also

Diagrams Created With Musketeer Chess Board Painter